Dino Valentino Raponi - Site Memorial Online

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Dino Valentino Raponi
Nascido emCanada
29 years
dragan's dad, Anniversary
This candle is dedicated to all of lost young lives, them too early stopped steps, dreams, hopes...
to: Dino Valentino Raponi
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mom...Shane ...cont
And never forget. God Bless you Sweet Angel oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxo
mom...Shane Ramirez
Wishing today as we wished before that God could have spared to many years more,In Our heart your memory is kept,To Love,Cherish
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Sweet dreams my dragonfly, fly close tonight I miss you so, so much. Need you near..Love you. xoxoxoxoxo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May the light of your love burn brightly in our hearts, souls. May our prayers always comfort you with God's peace and glory.
Micheal & Michealah Scatto Mom
Your memories are cherished moments that can replay over & over again in the minds of all who love & miss you..XXXX
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Loving you, missing you is part of my daily life. Until we meet again and never part. Hugs and kisses...Nie, nite..
G'Nite My Precious Son
Take care of your brother in his trip and come an visit in my dreams, I so long to see you son. xoxoxo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
With love, I send a warm blanket to keep you safe; a soft pillow with my prayers to comfort you with eternal peace, light. Miss U
Margaret Buonpane
Those we love can never be more than a thought apart, for as long as there is a memory, they live on in our heart.
F/ever Family to ♥Angel V♥Borg
Thoughts of You handsome Dino and Your family fill Our hearts. Know that we care.Good Night xoxo Hugs and Prayers
Buenas Noches my Gragonfly~MOM
Sweet dreams my precious son, loveyou, miss you more.. Buterflies kisses your way. xoxoxoxo
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Dino thinking of you & your wonderful Mom always....sending you both thoughts & gentle hugs!!"
Edwina~Troy's mum
It's so good to finally be able to visit and light a candle for you. Happy belated easter Dino ♥
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
An emotional day seing mother in pain, hard to let go of our precious childrens. Love you, miss you so much. Nite, nite my son xox
Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
When 2morrow starts w/out me don’t think we’re far apart… 4 every time u think of me I'm right here in ur heart
F/ever Family to ♥Angel V♥Borg
Came by to wish You*Happy Easter* with our Vanessa and all the Angels in Heaven Dino xoxo Hugs Onesima
G'Nite My Gragonfly~Mom~
Reast in peace my angel son in God's kingdom with Jesus and all the angel. Miss you and welcome Veronica G, to heaven. xoxoxo
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Dino, as you celebrate ♰Jesus♰ in all of His Glory my wishes are sent to you and ur family to have a Happy and Blessed Easter
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom
Good Friday and you are miss at the table, the empty chair can't be fill by no one. Love you, miss you always. xoxo
Misssing You~mom~
This holly weeks we remember you and Jesus what he did for us, I miss you and one more day closser to you, blessings my precious
Buenas Noches my precious son
I wish I can hold you in my harms once more, I miss your hadsome smile, your energy around the house, your music all of you my son
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Wishing you a gentle blessed Easter filled with beautiful treasured memories of your precious Dino!! GBU!!
Micheal & Michealah Scatto Mom
May ur days be filled with beautiful memories of ur Loved one...may they give u comfort & peace... {{{ HUGS }}}
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Easter is quickly approaching sending extra thoughts & prayers for comfort, peace & hope knowing your dear Angel is safe in the arms of Jesus!
Buenas Noches My Angel Son
Be with me tomorrow my preciois, have sweet dreams, love you, miss you more...xoxoxoxo
^i^Caroline~Scanlon's ~Nana~
With gentle thoughts & LOVE in MY heart, I light this candle in U'r beautiful memory!!
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
I miss you around here, your brothers miss you too, nothing is the same since you got your angels wings, nite, nite son xoxoxoxo
Margaret Buonpane
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose...all that we love deeply becomes a part of us
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
GM hadsome Dino. A candle is lit for u n its filled w/so much love n to let u know ur thougt of today/always. ((Onesima))
Jo-Ann~ Lauren Pacenta's mom
May the memories of ur son Dino bring a smile to ur hearts~♥♥♥~ & may u be blessed with peace & love ((Onesima))
Judy~Mom-Curtis Dawson
"Life is continuous, and is infinite. Death is only passing through God's other door"
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Dino a candle will be burning in my home on Palm Sunday in memory & honor of you! Praying for your loving Mom!
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Eternal rest grant unto our angels, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. Merciful Jesus, grant them eternal rest. Amen
Micheal & Michealah Scatto Mom
Wishing you a wonderful blessed weekend with beautiful treasured memories of your precious Loved One!! God Bless!!
Bueanas Noches my Dragonfly
Sweet dreams my precious son, love you, miss you always. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Rose gma to Brittany Syfert
Precious Angel,You are loved with a love beyond all feelings, & missed with a grief beyond all tears.
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