01/20/2025 dragan's dad, Anniversary This candle is dedicated to all of lost young lives, them too early stopped steps, dreams, hopes... to: Dino Valentino Raponi
12/30/2011 Grma-Louise To Angie Robert
Happy New Year for 2012~Somewhere far away someone will be thinking of u on New Years Eve and ur precious family to..
12/30/2011 Katie Cassidy's Mom
Sending alot of extra thoughts & prayers for a blessed 2012!!
Dino ~ Always Loved ~ Remembered ~ Never Forgotten!!
12/30/2011 Mom~Dad~Anthony~
Chris, Alessia, Sofia & Ava. Another year w/out you, another year close to you. Love you, miss you. Forever mom.
12/29/2011 LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Precious child, have a peaceful, glorious night with God, Jesus, Blessed Mother,the Holy Spirit, and all the Angels and Saints.XO.
12/29/2011 Cathy~Mom of David Giraud
Sometimes we need to just let go~Let the tears fall as they may~Reliving precious memories that never fade away((Onesima))
12/29/2011 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
It broke r hearts to lose you,
But you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home
12/29/2011 Mom~Dad~Anthony~
Chris, Alessia, Sofia and Ava. G'Morning precious, here we go another year w/out you and nathing seems to help. We miss you xo
12/28/2011 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Hi Dino, sweet dreams to you and give mom butterfly kisses in her dreams" She misses n love u so much
12/28/2011 Margaret Buonpane
A silent thought, a secret tear,
Keeps your memory ever dear,
God took you home, it was his will,
But in our hearts, you live still.
12/27/2011 LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God's Holy angels always embrace with eternal peace and guide in their lights in God's kingdom. You are so missed!
12/27/2011 Christin MOm 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Hi Dino, wishing you and your family a Happy and Safe Holiday hugs and love to all
12/27/2011 Mom~Dad~Anthony~
Chris, Alessia, Sofia and Ava. well the snow is here to stay, beautiful white all over, but a reminder fo that dreadful day. xoxo
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