01/20/2025 dragan's dad, Anniversary This candle is dedicated to all of lost young lives, them too early stopped steps, dreams, hopes... to: Dino Valentino Raponi
12/18/2010 Con't Louise-Grandma 2 Angie
Your Mom did a beautiful job on your site love it you are so special to your family and to everyone Dino..God Bless
12/18/2010 Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Remembering you is easy Dino we do it every day..Missing you is a heartache that never goes away..In our thoughts forever..
12/18/2010 Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Your presence we miss,
Your memory we treasure,
Loving you always,
Forgetting you never
12/18/2010 mom~Shane Ramirez
Silent thoughts,Tears unseen,wishing ur absence was only a dream,Thinking of u forever and Always,In my heart u will be,oxoxo
12/17/2010 Mom~Dad~Anthony~
Chris, Alessia, Sofia.. here we go another day, another Christmas w/out you here with us, yes you are in our hearts, minds, souls