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Dino Valentino Raponi
Nascido emCanada
29 years
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Árvore Genealógica
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Latr again, I can't sleep, thinking of you and how much I miss you, how much we all miss you in our lives. love you Dino, hugs
Margaret Buonpane
You are Loved with a love beyond all feeling, Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
mom~Shane Ramirez
"May the winds of luv blow softly, & whisper for U 2 hear. How much we luv & miss U & wish that U were here"
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
~ ♥ ~ All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. ~Leo Tolstoy ~ ♥ ~
Buenas Noches My Dragonfly
Mom is so tired Dino, every thing is so hard, I miss you with all my broken heart. Nite, nite my boy, hugs forever mom...
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May your heavenly light, beautiful spirit comfort the broken hearts, shattered souls on earth.May your life be always remembered.
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
I talk about you all day, I cry for you all day. Sweet dreams my precious Dino, love you, miss you more..xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
Wishing You warm and cozy moments filled with comfort and memories of Your Precious Angel to grace your home throughout the year
mom~Shane Ramirez
"Each and everyday that passes we miss you even more Always remember Never forgotten,Sweet Dreams all wrapped with hugs xoxox
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God shield you with His bright light for peace, comfort, safety, happiness. Have a glorious night and sweet dreams.We miss you
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
What a emotional night at the Chrsitmas Memeorial service, tears flow and flow, I wish for you every single day my precious son. x
Edwina~Troy's mum
Flowers May Wither, The Sun May Set.....But You Dino, We Will Never Forget ♥
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
The snow is all over, look beautiful but brings sad memories. I miss you sy precious Dino. Hugs and kisses mom
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sorry for the wrong name.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Have mercy Dear Jesus on the soul of Angel Dino. Grant him eternal rest and may the perpetual light shine upon him eternally.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Have mercy Dear Jesus on the soul of Angel Nicholas. Grant him eternal rest and may the perpetual light shine upon him eternally.
G'Nite My Dragonfly~mom~
Not a good day for mom, life is getting harder and harder for me Dino. I wish you were here, love you, miss you more. mom xoxoxoxo
Chris~Alessia~Sofia~ we miss you today, tomorrow and always, in our hearts, souls and minds forever and ever. Have a wonderful day
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
Preparing for the family Christmas get together and you precious Dino will be miss as you always are. Love you my son. XOXOXOXO
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May each candle lit in your loving memory grant you eternal peace and glorious comfort upon your beautiful soul along your journey
mom~Shane Ramirez
"Its true they come from Heaven,It isnt very far,See all our precious Angels each one a Blinking Star"Shine bright Sweetie
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
Friday, friday, friday & the holidayare here, hard to go by. my heart ache, my soul feel the emptiness. Love you, miss you xo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May Jesus keep you close to His Sacred Heart and never let you go from His father's home. Amen.Have a glorious night, journey
Doing so much better God has Blessed me with Beautiful Angel Families you are forever in my heart and prayers oxoxoxoxoxoox
mom~Shane Ramirez
Love to your family as we walk this journey of missing our Angels together,TY so much for ur precious prayers for Eyliseea,she is
Forever Mom
Havea beautiful day my precious, forever in my heart and soul until we meet again and what a glorious day that will be. xoxoxo
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
Couldn't get in the site last night. I miss you more when I can't light the candle, but no matter what you are in my heart
Brittany Syfert's Grma Rose
Dino,Beautiful memories are treasured ever, Of happy days when we were together.
Margaret Buonpane
Everyday in some small way Memories of you come our way. Though absent, you are always near Still missed, loved and always dear.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sweet Angel may the Lord help you through your heavenly journey and reward you with heavenly blessings and keep you close to us.
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Silent tears after flow..wishing to see you my heart cries for you every day, the world is so empty w/out you. Sweet sleep xoxo
Chris, Alessia, Sofia, we miss you, we love you, we remember you, always in our hearts never forgotten. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
Pita & I decorated your resting place, I hope you like it, it look beautiful. I wish for you evry single day. xoxoxoxoxoxo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May all God's precious Angels guide you with love, peace, and glory along your heavenly journey. May your light burn Forever!
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Remembering when you were small Dino as I help with the children for the X'Mas concert at church, I wish I had those day back
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Dino I have a special place in my ♥ where I always carry u n ur loving family. Love u. ♥x♥o♥ ((Onesima))
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