Dino Valentino Raponi - Online Memorial Website

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Dino Valentino Raponi
Born in Canada
29 years
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mom~Shane Ramirez
"Lighting this candle with Love, for a beautiful Angel who lives up above.always in my heart,never to be forgotten oxoxox
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
It geting cold and blue here, winter is at the door..I miss you more and more as time passes. life is not the same any maore. xoxo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sending you a warm blanket to keep you safe; a soft pillow to cuddle you and send you in your family's dreams, for they miss U
Buenas Noches My Precious Dino
Last night I couldn't get into the site, but you are always in my thoughts and heart, loved and missed my beloved son. Mom xo
Margaret Buonpane
You are Loved with a love beyond all feeling, Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
mom~Shane Ramirez
Good night sweetie have heavenly dreams god bless u & your loving family,i think of u always and forever in my heart oxoxoxo
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Love can B a simple smile, love can B the extra mile, love can B the chance 2 say, love made me think of you today! ♥
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.Aart Van Der Leeuw. You are so loved and missed
Chris, Alessia, Sofia, thinking of the thoughtful things that u have said & done & loving u a little more for every one XO
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Buenas noches Dino, sweet dreams and as always waiting to see you in my dreams. Love you, miss you more and more. Lots of hugs xox
Aaron's Mom
A cangle for your precious Dino, God Bless you. All our angels are among us and we WILL be together again. XOXOXO
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
If tear drop could build a stairway and a memory lane, I walk the long road to reach and bring you back, for we miss you dearly.XO
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Dino please send your loving Mom alot of extra Angel Hugs & sweet dreams of you!!
Melissa Eiler
Wishing you & yours a Blessed weekend. God Bless you always. HUGS!!!
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Sweet dreams my precious Dino, until the morning waiting to see you my dragonfly. Lots of hugs and kisses your way..Nite, nite mom
mom~Shane Ramirez
You will never walk alone...your precious angel will forever be holding ur hand to guide and give u strength to always carry on ox
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Good afternoon sweet Angel, please send your loving family alot of Heavenly kissess!!
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Tears on the outside fall to the ground and are swept away.Tears on the inside fall on the soul and stayand stay and stay.D.W.Rash
Chris, Alessia, Sofia, Dino have a wonderful day riding and playing your music that we so miss down here. All our love always xoxo
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
Remembering all those who fought for our freedom, may they rest in Peace in God's glory. Thinking of you my precious Dino. xo
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Sweet dreams my precious and I hope to see you in my dreams I so, so so long for you my son. Hugs mom xoxoxo
Margaret Buonpane
Thoughts of you today, tomorrow, forever!
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
May this Candle burn bright forever and always in Your sweet memory Precious Dino xoxo
mom~Shane Ramirez
If we could have one lifetime wish,a dream that would come true,We'd pray with all our hearts for yesterday and you.oxoxoxxox
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Happy are the sorrowing; they shall be consoled. Happy those who hunger and thirst for what is right; they shall be satisfied.Amen
On the day Jesus Christ appears in the sky & all eyes will see...we will have our loved ones back for all ETERNITY!!
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
I love you, I love you, I love you but I miss you more and more each day my precious Dino. Have a wonderful day xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Judy~Mom~Angel Curtis Dawson
Our thoughts are ever with you Though you have passed away. And those who loved you dearly Are thinking of you today.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May your heavenly light, spirit comfort the broken hearts and shattered souls. May your visits in their dreams increase more often
mom~Shane Ramirez
With each memory we meet again with those we love "For the heart never forget"I will always remember u handsome Dino
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Dino thinking of you as I light this candle for you..Though absent you are ever near..Rest in peace sweet Angel..God Bless
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
To get through the hardest journey we need take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping. ~Chinese Proverb~ ♥
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
The sun is shinning must be your smile shinning down on me. I miss that beautiful smile, I miss all of you. XoxoxoxoxoX Mom
Margaret Buonpane
Sending you my thoughts and prayers. You live in our hearts forever.
Randi-Mark's Mom
May you rest in paradise sweet angel, bless you Dino.
G'Morning~My Dragonfly~Mom~
Every day in same small way memories of you comes my way & I wish for more but this new journey has just began. Hugs xoxoxo
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