Dino Valentino Raponi - Online Memorial Website

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Dino Valentino Raponi
Born in Canada
29 years
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G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
I wish you day is beautiful my son, doing what you ike the must, free and having fun with all your ^Y^ friends, miss you so. xoxo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Mother of Sorrow, we understand your pain.Please embrace, protect, comfort our beloved Angels beside your loving son Jesus.Amen.XO
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
In the realm of Glory far beyond the blue,God sends Guardian Angels to watch the things we do.Thinking of You Onesima with Love
Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
May the Lord bless those that love and miss you with Peace for Today and Hope for Tomorrow.
Chris, Alessia, Sofia, you are missed every single day, our life is not the same to us, you are missing. hugs and kisses xoxoxoxo
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Silent tears when giving little Sofia a bad in your room, you are dearly missed, I miss your hadsome smile, all of YOU. HUgs son
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Memories are treasures Time cannot take away, So may you be surrounded By happy ones today.
Claudia mom to ~Rockt Lindley~
Dino I wanted u to know that I was on my patio and 3 Dragonflies were playing w/the birds n I thought of u handsome!!! Luv U xoxo
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Gone yet not forgotten, althoug we are a part, ur spirti lives within me, 4ever in my ♥ xo ((Onesima))
G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
When the family get together and you are not here I miss we miss you more, knowing that you are at rest. Blessings my son, xoxoxo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Our Angels are together in Heaven watching us happily keeping their precious memories alive.Family happens with love, respect.XOXO
mom~Shane Ramirez
Remembering you is easy we do it everyday, but there is an ache within our heart that will never go away. GBU Precious Angel
Randi-Mark's Mom
Good Morning, have a great day in heaven sweet angel Dino
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Another month is ending a new one begins. No matter what month, day, or year I'll always be thinking of you! Hugs xo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Have a wonderful, sweet, glorious night with God. You are always on my mind, in my prayers. Forever loved, missed sweet Angel.XOXO
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Love you, miss you more and more, good night my precious son, hugs and kisses, forever mom xoxoxoxoxo
Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Everyday in a BIGl way Memories of u come our way. Though absent, u are always near Still missed, loved and always dear.
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Memories R the treasures we keep locked deep within the storehouse of our souls 2keep our hearts warm when we R lonely.~B.Aligada
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
May God grant us unwavering faith,constant hope & love that endures to the end.(To*DINO* Mom Onesima)
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Until the morning my precious Dino, fly close and visit in my dreams I so long for you son. all my love always, mom xoxo
mom~Shane Ramirez
Each time I hear the whispering of the winds,its speaking your precious name to me,GBU and Sweet Dreams,ox forever n my heart oxox
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Good evening sweet Angel. From work, I lit this candle in your loving memory for peace, joy, glory. May your light burn forever.XO
Chris, Alessia, Sofia, Long weekend and yiur friends are missing your campany Dino, our life is not the same ony more. Love you xo
G'Morning My Dragonfly~mom~
I am having a har, hard time to deal with all this, I hope one day I find peace to my heart & justice for you my Dino. Hugs xo
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Wishing you a blessed, peaceful, joyful, and glorious journey in Heaven.May your light burn brightly and forever.You are so missed
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
My dear Son please visit in my dreams I need to know that all will be ok. & will find peace & justice. I miss you so. xoxo
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Dino please have a glorious day..May your morning be happy and bright..And your day be very special from morning till night..
mom~Shane Ramirez
"Its true they come from heaven,it isnt very far,see all our precious angels each one a blinking star,sending u oxox always.
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
When babies look beyond you and giggle, maybe they're seeing angels. ~Eileen Elias Freeman~ ♥
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Is death the last sleep? No... it is the last and final awakening. Sir walter Scott. You are alive and safe in our hearts!XO.
Edwina~Troy's mum
It takes but just a moment, to light this candle for you, Its just to show that you are missed, and loved forever too.
Chris, Alessia, Sofia, We need you to guide Dino, we know that nothing will bring you back. in our heart u are forever & ever
G'Nite My Dragonfly~Mom~
Dino help us to make the right decision for you, we wnat to do the right thing, will never let you go, miss you my son, my life xo
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Our thoughts are ever with U Though U have passed away. And those who love U dearly are thinkin of U 2day! Big Hugs!
Christin Mom 2 Aaron Wilkinson
Hey Dino,Your presence we miss, Your memory we treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Lord,give us the joy of your peace in this life & help us to gain the happiness that will never end with*DINO*
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