01/20/2025 dragan's dad, Anniversary This candle is dedicated to all of lost young lives, them too early stopped steps, dreams, hopes... to: Dino Valentino Raponi
12/21/2009 G'Morning My Sunshine~Mom~
Having problems with this site, couldn't light candle last night. I love you and miss you evry day. Have a great day. hugs mom
12/21/2009 Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Dino
O Lord,be gracious to us;we long for You,Be our strength every morning,our salvation in time of distress.Isaiah 33:2 Love and GB
12/21/2009 mom 2 waylon kitchens
A silent night,
a star above,
a blessed gift of hope
and love.
A blessed Christmas to you!
12/20/2009 ♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty♥♥
The tears in our eyes we can wipe away, the ache in our heart will always stay you are missed so Much Hugs Wendy and Sarah ♥♥
12/20/2009 *Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
I am creating new heavens n a new earth.All of the past will be forgotten.You will celebrate n be glad forever.*DINO*
12/20/2009 Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Sweet Angel please send your loving family alot of extra Angel Hugs & sweet dreams of you for the holidays & everyday!!
12/20/2009 Tammy K ~ Good morning
Precious angel. Pls. stay close 2 ur family. Holidays are so difficult w/out our angels. Sending love & hugs. (((Onesima)))
12/20/2009 Praying for you as we always
Do, 2 Years and 11th months in your new home. Missed dearly, more and more each day. We hope you are happy as you should. RIP xoxo
12/20/2009 Mom~Dad~Anthony~
Chris, Alessia, Sofia, as much I we try Chrsitmas is not the same w/out you DINO, will never be. Missed & loved forever. Hugs
12/20/2009 G'Nite My Precious Child~Mom~
Tha Italian side of the family got together for Christmas as we always do, but an important part was missing "YOU" R.I.P.
12/19/2009 *Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
You*DINO* in heaven,sing for joy,and earth exult!The Lord is coming,He will take pity on those in distress(Onesima)
12/19/2009 Melissa Eiler
Good morning Angel. Thinking of you today & always. God Bless you! HUGS!
12/19/2009 Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Dino
I woke up to our first snowfall.Oh how beautiful it is and how much it reminds me of the beauty you experience everyday.GB XO
12/18/2009 Your Loving Family With Love
Good night Dino, fly close to us, you are missed dealy in our life. Missed dearly. Blessings, hugs & kisses. RIP........
12/18/2009 G'Nite My Dragonfly~mom~
Sweet dreams my precious one, you live on in my heart forver and ever until we meet again in that glorious day, my precious child.
12/18/2009 F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
Thinking of You Dino warmly
12/18/2009 *Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
Lord,u keep ur word n do everything u say.When someone stumbles or falls,u give a helping hand.Psalm 145*DINO*
12/18/2009 Margaret Buonpane
Your presence we miss,
Your memory we treasure,
Loving you always,
Forgetting you never.
12/18/2009 ♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty♥♥
Memory is a lovely lane where hearts are ever true a lane I so often travel down, because it leads to you Hugs Wendy and Sarah♥♥
12/18/2009 G'Morning My Dragonfly~Mom~
My Dino send your love and warm down to little Sofia to make her feel better soon. She is so much like you my son. Blessings..xoxo
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